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Church of the Holy Apostles and the Mediator
The Church of the Holy Apostles and the Mediator or "H.A.M" as it is affectionately known is an Episcopal urban congregation. It is a spiritual home for all people who seek to deepen their relationship with God by living a life of Christian service.
Acolytes And Servers assist in worship by performing a variety of functions. They serve as candle lighters and extinguishers, Crucifer, Thurifer, Torch Bearer, Gospel Book Bearer, Altar Server at the Eucharist, and Oblation and Offering Presenter during the Offertory. H.A.M's acolytes participate in an annual Diocesan Acolyte Festival which offers a variety of training and in-service workshops and the Acolyte Festival at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC.
Acolytes And Servers assist in worship by performing a variety of functions. They serve as candle lighters and extinguishers, Crucifer, Thurifer, Torch Bearer, Gospel Book Bearer, Altar Server at the Eucharist, and Oblation and Offering Presenter during the Offertory. H.A.M's acolytes participate in an annual Diocesan Acolyte Festival which offers a variety of training and in-service workshops and the Acolyte Festival at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC.
Adult Bible Study - As an integral part of Christian life and worship, Bible study meets every Wednesday evening at 7 pm.
Adult Bible Study - As an integral part of Christian life and worship, Bible study meets every Wednesday evening at 7 pm.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a missionary and evangelism ministry for men and boys of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion.. The goal is to maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The pillar disciplines of “The Brotherhood” are, PRAYER, STUDY and SERVICE. "The Brotherhood" or "B.O.S.A" for short sponsors several events during the year including Coffee Hour after service, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast and various outings and retreats.
Daughters of the King - Edna J. Carol Chapter. The Daughters of the King is an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, or churches in communion with it, or churches who are in the Historic Episcopate. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish.
Episcopal Church Women - The Episcopal Church Women is an organization within the Church which unites all women through worship, service, study and fellowship. Because of its numerous fundraising efforts throughout the year, E.C.W is able to contribute to generously to the church and the surrounding community.
Lay Readers and Lector's read the appointed lessons of the day during the liturgy of the Word, lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People, and serve as officiants at services when a priest is not present.
Chalice Bearers assist the clergy in the distribution of the cup of wine during Holy Communion.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - At the direction of the priest take the encouragement of the parish, along with bread and wine consecrated at a worship service to hospitalized or homebound parish members unable to attend services at the church.
The Girls Friendly Society is a National Volunteer Organization in the Episcopal Church for young women from the age of 7 to 21. The purpose of the G.F.S is to provide a girls program within the Episcopal Church whose members accept the Christian faith and seek in the fellowship of worship, study, work, and play to serve God and extend his kingdom. While the times have changed since its founding in 1875, the purpose remains the same, to provide an organization dedicated to helping young women grow within a fellowship of love and mutual respect.
Ushers and Greeters provide visitors with the first impression of Holy Apostles and, as such, provide a vital ministry of the parish. Ushers and Greeters seek to make worshippers feel welcome and provide information regarding the service, facilities, and aides available to visitors to Holy Apostles. Ushers also assist in receiving the offering of the congregation and direct the congregation to and from the altar area during the distribution of Holy Communion.
The Adult Choir is a mixed male and female voice choir that sings at the 10:00 AM Sunday service September through June. The Choir sings for most major feast days and occasional services. Many of our choir members also belong to the Absolom Jones Choir in Philadelphia. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.
The Roundtable, a ministry within the Church of Holy Apostles and the Mediator, is comprised of young urban professionals who are committed to the West Philadelphia community in which they live and worship. Among it’s outreach projects are Friday Family Nights, an evening of fun and instruction for youth in the community. The Roundtable also supports many non-profit organizations serving the West Philadelphia community.